AAAI2022 Artificial Intelligence for Education
- Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the 3rd AI4Edu workshop will be held virtually on Feb 28, 2022.
- To avoid connectivity issues in real time, we choose to use the pre-recording option. Live Q & A is optional.
- This year, we have speakers from North America, Asia and Europe. Therefore, we will have two sessions to make sure people from different time zones can join. Specifically, we will have
- Session One at
- Vancouver/San Francisco 05:00 - 08:00
- New York 08:00 - 11:00
- London 13:00 - 16:00
- Beijing 21:00 - 00:00
- Session Two at
- Vancouver/San Francisco 17:00 - 20:00
- New York 20:00 - 23:00
- London 01:00 - 04:00
- Beijing 09:00 - 12:00
- Session One at
- November 30, 2021: Notification of final acceptance. All accepted paper can be found at here.
Workshop Schedule
All the time slots are in PST (Vancouver/San Francisco local time).
Feb 28 Session One
- 05:00 - 05:15 Opening
- 05:15 - 06:00 [Keynote Talk] The Need and Challenge of Trustworthy AI For Next-generation Education Systems That Engage Humans as Partners in Teaching and Learning, Richard Tong, Yixue Squirrel AI Learning
- 06:00 - 06:15 [Paper Presentation] A Multi-task Model for Structural Recognition in Educational Scenario, Yajun Zou, Yixin Li, Lei Shen, Shiqi Dong, Hui Lin, Jinwen Ma and Yitao Duan
- 06:15 - 06:30 [Paper Presentation] ALEBk: Feasibility Study of Attention Level Estimation via Blink Detection applied to e-Learning, Roberto Daza, Daniel DeAlcala, Aythami Morales, Ruben Tolosana and Julian Fierrez
- 06:30 - 06:45 [Paper Presentation] Assistive Accessible Charts for Visually Impaired Students: An Automated Learning System, Prerna Mishra, Santosh Kumar and Mithilesh Chaube
- 06:45 - 07:00 [Paper Presentation] DIY Graphics Tab: A Cost-Effective Alternative to Graphics Tablet for Educators, Mohammad Imrul Jubair, Tashfiq Ahmed, Hasanath Jamy, Arafat Ibne Yousuf, Foisal Reza and Mohsena Ashraf
- 07:00 - 07:15 [Paper Presentation] FreeTalky: Don’t Be Afraid! Conversations Made Easier by a Humanoid Robot using Persona-based Dialogue, Chanjun Park, Yoonna Jang, Seolhwa Lee, Sungjin Park and Heuiseok Lim
- 07:15 - 07:30 [Paper Presentation] Improving Controllability of Educational Question Generation by Keyword Provision, Ying-Hong Chan, Ho-Lam Chung and Yao-Chung Fan
- 07:30 - 07:45 [Paper Presentation] Incremental Knowledge Tracing from Multiple Schools, Sujanya Suresh, Savitha Ramasamy, P.N Suganthan and Cheryl Sze Yin Wong
- 07:45 - 08:00 [Paper Presentation] Monitoring the Learning Progress In Piano Playing With Hidden Markov Models, Nina Ziegenbein, Jason Friedman and Alexandra Moringen
- 08:00 - 08:15 [Paper Presentation] Pdf2PreReq: Automatic Extraction of Concept Dependency Graphs from Academic Textbooks, Rushil Thareja, Venktesh V and Mukesh Mohania
Feb 28 Session Two
- 17:00 - 17:45 [Keynote Talk] Human-Centered AI in AI-ED, Peter Brusilovsky, University of Pittsburgh
- 17:45 - 18:30 [Keynote Talk] Audio-based Collaboration Detection for Improving FACT, a Classroom Orchestrating System, Kurt VanLehn, Arizona State University
- 18:30 - 19:15 [Keynote Talk] Neural Approaches to Course Articulation and Personalized Degree Planning in Higher Education, Zachary Pardos, UC Berkeley
- 19:15 - 19:30 [Paper Presentation] Building a storytelling conversational agent through parent-AI collaboration, Zheng Zhang, Ying Xu, Yanhao Wang, Tongshuang Wu, Bingsheng Yao, Daniel Ritchie, Mo Yu, Dakuo Wang and Toby Jia-Jun Li
- 19:30 - 19:45 [Paper Presentation] Fine-Grained Classroom Activity Detection from Audio with Neural Networks, Eric Slyman, Chris Daw, Morgan Skrabut, Ana Usenko and Brian Hutchinson
- 19:45 - 20:00 [Paper Presentation] Graph-based Ensemble Machine Learning for Student Performance Prediction, Yinkai Wang, Aowei Ding, Kaiyi Guan, Shixi Wu and Yuanqi Du
- 20:00 - 20:15 [Paper Presentation] What kind of peer-assessment comments help improve learning outcomes? Evidence from a programming course, Yunkai Xiao, Qinjin Jia and Jialin Cui
Talk Details
Human-Centered AI in AI-ED
Peter Brusilovsky
Abstract: In recent years, the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies expanded to many areas directly affecting the lives of millions. AI-based approaches advise human decision-makers who should be released on bail, whether it is a good time to discharge a patient from a hospital and whether a specific student is at risk to fail a course. Such extensive use in AI in decision making came with a range of protentional problems that have been extensively studied over the last few years. Recognition of these problems motivated a rapid rise of research on “human-centered AI”, which attempted to address and minimize the negative effects of using AI technologies. The majority of work on human-centered AI focus on various types of Human-AI collaboration through such technologies as transparency, explainability, and user control. In my talk, I will review how the ideas of Human-AI collaboration, transparency, explainability, and user control have been used in educational applications of AI in the past and will discuss now new ideas in this research area developed outside of AI-Ed could be creatively applied in educational context.
Bio: Peter Brusilovsky is a Professor of Information Science and Intelligent Systems at the School of Computing and Information, University of Pittsburgh where he also directs Personalized Adaptive Web Systems (PAWS) lab. Peter has been working in the field of personalized learning, student and user modeling, recommender systems, and intelligent user interfaces for over 30 years. He published numerous papers and edited books on adaptive hypermedia, and the adaptive Web, and social information access. Peter is a recipient of Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship, NSF CAREER Award, and Fulbright-Nokia Distinguished Chair. He served as the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies and is currently serving as the Chair of ACM SIGWEB and a board member of several journals including User Modeling and User Adapted Interaction, ACM Transactions on Social Competing and International Journal of AI in Education.
Audio-based Collaboration Detection for Improving FACT, a Classroom Orchestrating System
Bahar Shahrokhian, Jon Wetzel, Kurt VanLehn
Abstract: An intelligent classroom orchestration System should act like an automated teaching assistant that helps teachers in providing relevant, timely help. This is especially important when teachers want small groups of students to work together collaboratively rather than work separately or have one student do all the work. Teachers cannot monitor all groups simultaneously and they can only visit one group at a time. FACT is like an intelligent tutoring system for middle-school math in that it understands the tasks students are doing so it can identify errors and thus offer feedback and advice. Unlike most tutoring systems, FACT keeps the teacher in the loop by suggesting groups to visit, errors to address and even conversation openers. Recently, FACT gained the ability to discriminate collaborating groups from non-collaborating groups by monitoring each group member's speech and actions. This talk will describe FACT and our recent work on using speech and log data to detect collaboration.
Bio: Bahar Shahrokhian is currently working toward obtaining her doctoral degree in Computer Engineering from Arizona State University. Her research focuses on detecting collaboration among students in a classroom using their speech.
Jon Wetzel is a research scientist at Arizona State University studying educational software and artificial intelligence. He received his PhD in Computer Science at Northwestern University, and his B.S. and M.Eng. in Computer Science and Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Kurt VanLehn is the Diane and Gary Tooker Chair for Effective Education in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math at Arizona State University. He received a Ph.D. from MIT in 1983 in Computer Science, was a post-doc at BBN and Xerox PARC, joined the faculty of Carnegie-Mellon University in 1985, moved to the University of Pittsburgh in 1990 and joined ASU in 2008. He founded and co-directed two large NSF research centers (Circle; the Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center). He has published over 125 peer-reviewed publications, is a fellow in the Cognitive Science Society, and is on the editorial boards of Cognition and Instruction and the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education. Dr. VanLehn's research focuses on intelligent tutoring systems, classroom orchestration systems, and other intelligent interactive instructional technology.
The Need and Challenge of Trustworthy AI For Next-generation Education Systems That Engage Humans as Partners in Teaching and Learning
Richard Tong
Abstract: The potential applications of artificial intelligence to educational settings are vast. However, we argue that developers must first build trust in educational technologies to realize their potential in society. This view emerges from the interaction of three factors: 1) the general need to address the concerns surrounding costs and benefits of technological applications as they are adopted, 2) the diversity of important views and dimensions regarding education and pedagogy, and 3) the necessity for technology to bear important accountability in real-time decisioning in many educational applications. We propose that in educational AI applications, Human-in-the-loop (HITL) approaches that engage both learners and educators in an AI-involved teaching process presents an opportunity to build trust in the efficacy of educational AI applications, on top of increasing the quality of education delivered, by allowing them to participate actively in the process of educational decision making. Although nascent forms of HITL processes in educational technology exist, developing AI systems with truly human-involved collaborative teaching and learning requires surmounting several key challenges: 1) Designing a reliable and practical process to handle variation in the quality of human input and dynamic teaching/learning interaction 2) Developing a shared mental model of learning between humans and AI systems. We review some of the state of the art approaches in this research and development area, examine some promising Human-AI collaboration use cases in adaptive instructional system settings, and also recommend practical implementation of IEEE artificial intelligence and learning technology standards that help to advance this endeavor.
Bio: Richard Tong is the Chief Architect and General Manager of US Research Operations, Squirrel AI Learning by Yixue Group. He serves as the Chair of IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee and also the Chair of IEEE Artificial Intelligence Standards Committee. Richard is an experienced technologist and one of the leading evangelists for global standardization efforts for learning technologies and artificial intelligence. Prior to joining Squirrel Ai Learning, he was the Head of Implementation, Greater China Region for Knewton, and Director of Solution Architecture for Amplify Education.
On the academic and research front, he has organized conferences such as the AIAED conferences (2018, 2019, 2020), and organized workshops such as multimodal artificial intelligence for education workshops (AIMA4EDU) at the IJCAI 2019, IJCAI 2020, IJCAI 2021, the AI for K12 Workshop at IJCAI 2021 the ed-tech standardization and collaboration workshops at the AIED 2019, AIED 2020 and AIED 2021. He was the workshop co-chair of AIED 2020, industry co-chair of ITS 2021 and AIED 2021 and held several track-chair and program committee positions in various AI and Ed-tech conferences.
Neural Approaches to Course Articulation and Personalized Degree Planning in Higher Education
Zach Pardos
Abstract: Determining which course at one institution is academically equivalent to a course at another institution, called "articulation," can be an intractable task when attempting to make and maintain equivalencies precisely between even a small set of institutions. These equivalencies are, however, critical to socio-economic mobility in America, allowing students to transfer from 2-year to 4-year schools where they enjoy greater career opportunities. In this talk, I will present research on using neural machine translation techniques to scale articulation recommendation by leveraging course catalog descriptions complimented by information contained within historic enrollment patterns to infer cross-institutional equivalencies. For these algorithmically created pathways to have an effect; however, recommender systems must be built to help students traverse them.
In the second part of the talk, I will present work on a novel algorithm for powering degree planning recommender systems. The algorithm focuses on the task of multiple consecutive basket recommendation, with semesters representing baskets in the higher education domain. Our model, PLAN-BERT (published at AAAI21), makes novel modifications to the canonical language model architecture to generate a multi-semester plan personalized to a student's past course taking and specified future courses of interest. Our offline analysis consists of 15 million historic course enrollments at 20 institutions and an online evaluation conducted at one of the institutions. In the online evaluation, PLAN-BERT was rated strongest in student perceptions of personalization compared to competitive baselines and equaled the rating of plans generated by student peers.
Bio: Zach Pardos is an Associate Professor at UC Berkeley studying adaptive learning and AI in the Graduate School of Education. His research focuses on knowledge representation and recommender systems in higher education. He earned a PhD in Computer Science from Worcester Polytechnic Institute followed by a post-doc at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. At UC Berkeley, he directs the Computational Approaches to Human Learning research lab, teaches in the data science undergraduate program, and is an affiliated faculty in Cognitive Science.
A Multi-task Model for Structural Recognition in Educational Scenario
Yajun Zou, Yixin Li, Lei Shen, Shiqi Dong, Hui Lin, Jinwen Ma and Yitao Duan
Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a structural recognition task which is a specific OCR task in the educational scenario. For students’ exercise pages, an anchor-free detector with dynamic convolution is designed to segment questions in various layouts and shapes by predicting a full-scale accurate mask for each question. As notes and answers in handwriting-style are inevitable within the question mask, we introduce handwriting removal, which is an image generation task to improve the recognition accuracy of print text. Specifically, a multi-task model is designed to perform question segmentation and handwriting removal simultaneously. In addition, we propose a two-phase strategy to overcome the discrepancy of data source and input scale between these two tasks. With a novel evaluation system on structural recognition, the promising results are obtained which show the effectiveness of question segmentation and handwriting removal branches and the superiority of our proposed multi-task model.
ALEBk: Feasibility Study of Attention Level Estimation via Blink Detection applied to e-Learning
Roberto Daza, Daniel DeAlcala, Aythami Morales, Ruben Tolosana and Julian Fierrez
Abstract: This work presents a feasibility study of remote attention level estimation based on eye blink frequency. We first propose an eye blink detection system based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), very competitive with respect to related works. Using this detector, we experimentally evaluate the relationship between the eye blink rate and the attention level of students captured during online sessions. The experimental framework is carried out using a public multi-modal database for eye blink detection and attention level estimation called mEBAL, which comprises data from 38 students and multiples acquisition sensors, in particular, i) an electroencephalogram (EEG) band which provides the time signals coming from the student’s cognitive information, and ii) RGB and NIR cameras to capture the students face gestures. The results achieved suggest an inverse correlation between the eye blink frequency and the attention level. This relation is used in our proposed method called ALEBk for estimating the attention level as the inverse of the eye blink frequency. Our results open a new research line to introduce this technology for attention level estimation on future e-learning platforms, among other applications of this kind of behavioral biometrics based on face analysis.
Assistive Accessible Charts for Visually Impaired Students: An Automated Learning System
Prerna Mishra, Santosh Kumar and Mithilesh Chaube
Abstract: Charts are an indispensable component of documents or books. All charts aim to represent, visualize, and depict a certain meaning about data or subject matter. However, charts are not accompanied by any contextual message nor mostly addressed in the textual description. People with visual impairment(VI) rely on screen readers for understanding the text, but are unable to comprehend charts. This paper proposes an assistive learning system ChartVI, that automatically extracts chart images from e-documents, retrieves all data from extracted chart and generates multi-modal accessible summaries for leveraging learning ability of students with VI. Moreover, ChartVI is also robust towards generating summaries from hand-drawn images. We evaluated ChartVI with visually impaired students from a native blind school. Results obtained were satisfactory and were easily comprehended by the participants. ChartVI provides a detailed and correct description for various chart types, maintaining ease of access while using the system. ChartVI has detection accuracy of 99%, textual segment accuracy 98%, and graphical segment extraction accuracy of 100%.
DIY Graphics Tab: A Cost-Effective Alternative to Graphics Tablet for Educators
Mohammad Imrul Jubair, Tashfiq Ahmed, Hasanath Jamy, Arafat Ibne Yousuf, Foisal Reza and Mohsena Ashraf
Abstract: Everyday, more and more people are turning to online learning, which has altered our traditional classroom method. Recording lectures has always been a normal task for online educators, and it has lately become even more important during the epidemic because actual lessons are still being postponed in several countries. When recording lectures, a graphics tablet is a great substitute for a whiteboard because of its portability and ability to interface with computers. This graphic tablet, however, is too expensive for the majority of instructors. In this paper, we propose a computer vision-based alternative to the graphics tablet for instructors and educators, which functions largely in the same way as a graphic tablet but just requires a pen, paper, and a laptop’s webcam. We call it “Do-It-Yourself Graphics Tab” or “DIY Graphics Tab”. Our system receives a sequence of images of a person’s writing on paper acquired by a camera as input and outputs the screen containing the contents of the writing from the paper. The task is not straightforward since there are many obstacles such as occlusion due to the person’s hand, random movement of the paper, poor lighting condition, perspective distortion due to the angle of view, etc. A pipeline is used to route the input recording through our system, which conducts instance segmentation and preprocessing before generating the appropriate output. We also conducted user experience evaluations from the teachers and students, and their responses are examined in this paper.
FreeTalky: Don’t Be Afraid! Conversations Made Easier by a Humanoid Robot using Persona-based Dialogue
Chanjun Park, Yoonna Jang, Seolhwa Lee, Sungjin Park and Heuiseok Lim
Abstract: We propose a deep learning-based foreign language learning platform, named FREETALKY, for people who experience anxiety dealing with foreign languages, by employing a humanoid robot NAO and various deep learning models. A persona-based dialogue system that is embedded in NAO provides an interesting and consistent multi-turn dialogue for users. Also, an grammar error correction system promotes improvement in grammar skills of the users. Thus, our system enables personalized learning based on persona dialogue and facilitates grammar learning of a user using grammar error feedback. Furthermore, we verified whether FREETALKY provides practical help in alleviating xenoglossophobia by replacing the real human in the conversation with a NAO robot, through human evaluation.
Improving Controllability of Educational Question Generation by Keyword Provision
Ying-Hong Chan, Ho-Lam Chung and Yao-Chung Fan
Abstract: Question Generation (QG) receives increasing research attention in NLP community. One motivation for QG is that QG significantly facilitates the preparation of educational reading practice and assessments. While the significant advancement of QG techniques was reported, current QG results are not ideal for educational reading practice assessment in terms of controllability and question difficulty. This paper reports our results toward the two issues. First, we report a state-of-the-art exam-like QG model by advancing the current best model from 11.96 to 20.19 (in terms of BLEU 4 score). Second, we propose to investigate a variant of QG setting by allowing users to provide keywords for guiding QG direction. We also present a simple but effective model toward the QG controllability task. Experiments are also performed and the results demonstrate the feasibility and potentials of improving QG diversity and controllability by the proposed keyword provision QG model.
Incremental Knowledge Tracing from Multiple Schools
Sujanya Suresh, Savitha Ramasamy, P.N Suganthan and Cheryl Sze Yin Wong
Abstract: Knowledge tracing is the task of predicting a learner’s future performance based on the history of the learner’s performance. Current knowledge tracing models are built based on an extensive set of data that are collected from multiple schools. However, it is impossible to pool learner’s data from all schools, due to data privacy and PDPA policies. Hence, this paper explores the feasibility of building knowledge tracing models while preserving the privacy of learners’ data within their respective schools. This study is conducted using part of the ASSISTment 2009 dataset, with data from multiple schools being treated as separate tasks in a continual learning framework. The results show that learning sequentially with the Self Attentive Knowledge Tracing (SAKT) algorithm is able to achieve considerably similar performance to that of pooling all the data together.
Monitoring the Learning Progress In Piano Playing With Hidden Markov Models
Nina Ziegenbein, Jason Friedman and Alexandra Moringen
Abstract: Monitoring a learner’s performance during practice plays an important role in scaffolding. It helps with scheduling suitable practice exercises, and by doing so sustain learner motivation and a steady learning progress while they move through the curriculum. In this paper we present our approach for monitoring the learning progress of students learning to play piano with Hidden Markov Models. First, we present and implement the so-called practice modes, practice units that are derived from the original task by reducing its complexity and focusing on one or several relevant task dimensions. Second, for each practice mode a Hidden Markov Model is trained to predict whether the player is in the Mastered or NonMastered latent state regarding the current task and practice mode.
Pdf2PreReq: Automatic Extraction of Concept Dependency Graphs from Academic Textbooks
Rushil Thareja, Venktesh V and Mukesh Mohania
Abstract: Online learning platforms are rich sources of quality learning content. The learning content in such online learning platforms has to be organized according to a well defined taxonomy to enable ease of access and aid in curriculum planning. The taxonomy is usually of form subject→chapter→topic→concept. The concepts are leaf nodes that indicate the core idea described in the learning content. By automatically inferring prerequisite edges between these concepts, we can form concept dependency graphs that help in linking related learning content. These graphs act as a guiding path to learners paving the way for a personalized learning experience. The graphs are also beneficial for automatically organizing academic data in online learning platforms. However, creating these graphs by hand is error-prone and time-consuming. This paper proposes an end-to-end pipeline to generate concept dependency graphs aligned with the existing curriculum by leveraging academic textbooks. The textbooks organize the learning content according a well defined learning taxonomy of form chapter→section name→sub-section name→concept which can be extracted for creating the dependency graphs. We show the efficacy of these algorithms compared to existing methods on the K12 textbooks and open source the high-quality labeled datasets.
Building a storytelling conversational agent through parent-AI collaboration
Zheng Zhang, Ying Xu, Yanhao Wang, Tongshuang Wu, Bingsheng Yao, Daniel Ritchie, Mo Yu, Dakuo Wang and Toby Jia-Jun Li
Abstract: In this paper, we describe the design of StoryBuddy, a prototype system that allows parents to collaborate with AI in creating interactive storytelling experiences. To accommodate dynamic user needs, StoryBuddy supports two modes: a parent-child joint reading mode where parents involve in book reading process and a child independent reading mode where parents have minimal involvement. StoryBuddy also allows parents to configure question types and track child progress, and generates questions automatically. A preliminary user study suggests that parents and children found StoryBuddy useful, helpful, and likable.
Fine-Grained Classroom Activity Detection from Audio with Neural Networks
Eric Slyman, Chris Daw, Morgan Skrabut, Ana Usenko and Brian Hutchinson
Abstract: Instructors are increasingly incorporating student-centered learning techniques in their classrooms to improve learning outcomes. In addition to lecture, these class sessions involve forms of individual and group work, and greater rates of student-instructor interaction. Quantifying classroom activity is a key element of accelerating the evaluation and refinement of innovative teaching practices, but manual annotation does not scale. In this manuscript, we present advances to the young application area of automatic classroom activity detection from audio. Using a university classroom corpus with nine activity labels (e.g., “lecture,” “group work,” “student question”), we propose and evaluate deep fully connected, convolutional, and recurrent neural network architectures, comparing the performance of mel-filterbank, OpenSmile, and self-supervised acoustic features. We compare 9- way classification performance with 5-way and 4-way simplifications of the task and assess two types of generalization: (1) new class sessions from previously seen instructors, and (2) previously unseen instructors. We obtain strong results on the new fine-grained task and state-of-the-art on the 4-way task: our best model obtains frame-level error rates of 6.2%, 7.7% and 28.0% when generalizing to unseen instructors for the 4-way, 5-way, and 9-way classification tasks, respectively (relative reductions of 35.4%, 48.3% and 21.6% over a strong baseline). When estimating the aggregate time spent on classroom activities, our average root mean squared error is 1.64 minutes per class session, a 54.9% relative reduction over the baseline.
Graph-based Ensemble Machine Learning for Student Performance Prediction
Yinkai Wang, Aowei Ding, Kaiyi Guan, Shixi Wu and Yuanqi Du
Abstract: Student performance prediction is a critical research problem to understand the students’ needs, present proper learning opportunities/resources, and develop the teaching quality. However, traditional machine learning methods fail to produce stable and accurate prediction results. In this paper, we propose a graph-based ensemble machine learning method that aims to improve the stability of single machine learning methods via the consensus of multiple methods. To be specific, we leverage both supervised prediction methods and unsupervised clustering methods, build an iterative approach that propagates in a bipartite graph as well as converges to more stable and accurate prediction results. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method in predicting more accurate student performance. Specifically, our model outperforms the best traditional machine learning algorithms by up to 14.8% in prediction accuracy.
What kind of peer-assessment comments help improve learning outcomes? Evidence from a programming course
Yunkai Xiao, Qinjin Jia and Jialin Cui
Abstract: Peer assessment has been proven to not only be a reliable way to assess students but also a means to encourage self-improvements. It is found that writing and receiving feedback could benefit students’ learning outcomes. In computer science and engineering education, students are required to master programming skills, and nowadays many code repositories are managed on version control systems such as GitHub. This paper studies the relationship between students’ behavior on GitHub before and after they are reviewed and commented on by their peers, as well as the nature of these comments. Eighteen machine learning models are studied and compared to automatically categorize the nature of the comment, and fifty-eight student project teams’ GitHub repositories are studied in this paper. The results show that comments that identify problems are positively correlated with students’ behaviors on improvements, while suggestions do not show any meaningful correlation with it. Contrary to common beliefs, positive comments do not encourage students to make more improvements, instead, it is moderately negatively correlated to behavior on improvements.
The workshop solicits paper submissions from participants (2–6 pages with unlimited references and single blind). Abstracts of the following flavors will be sought: (1) research ideas, (2) case studies (or deployed projects), (3) review papers, (4) best practice papers, and (5) lessons learned. The format is the standard double-column AAAI proceedings style. All submissions will be peer-reviewed. Some will be selected for spotlight talks, and some for the poster session.
Submission website:
Important Dates
November 12, 2021November 19, 2021: Workshop paper submission due AOE- November 30, 2021 : Notifications of acceptance
- December 15, 2021: Deadline of the camera-ready final paper submission
- Feb 21, 2022: Workshop Date
Accepted Papers
- Yinkai Wang, Aowei Ding, Kaiyi Guan, Shixi Wu and Yuanqi Du. Graph-based Ensemble Machine Learning for Student Performance Prediction [PDF]
- Chanjun Park, Yoonna Jang, Seolhwa Lee, Sungjin Park and Heuiseok Lim. FreeTalky: Don’t Be Afraid! Conversations Made Easier by a Humanoid Robot using Persona-based Dialogue [PDF]
- Yajun Zou, Yixin Li, Lei Shen, Shiqi Dong, Hui Lin, Jinwen Ma and Yitao Duan. A Multi-task Model for Structural Recognition in Educational Scenario [PDF]
- Eric Slyman, Chris Daw, Morgan Skrabut, Ana Usenko and Brian Hutchinson. Fine-Grained Classroom Activity Detection from Audio with Neural Networks [PDF]
- Sujanya Suresh, Savitha Ramasamy, P.N Suganthan and Cheryl Sze Yin Wong. Incremental Knowledge Tracing from Multiple Schools [PDF]
- Prerna Mishra, Santosh Kumar and Mithilesh Chaube. Assistive Accessible Charts for Visually Impaired Students: An Automated Learning System [PDF]
- Rushil Thareja, Venktesh V and Mukesh Mohania. [Pdf]2PreReq : Automatic Extraction of Concept Dependency Graphs from Academic Textbooks [PDF]
- Roberto Daza, Daniel DeAlcala, Aythami Morales, Ruben Tolosana and Julian Fierrez. ALEBk: Feasibility Study of Attention Level Estimation via Blink Detection applied to e-Learning [PDF]
- Ying-Hong Chan, Ho-Lam Chung and Yao-Chung Fan. Improving Controllability of Educational Question Generation by Keyword Provision [PDF]
- Mohammad Imrul Jubair, Tashfiq Ahmed, Hasanath Jamy, Arafat Ibne Yousuf, Foisal Reza and Mohsena Ashraf. DIY Graphics Tab: A Cost-Effective Alternative to Graphics Tablet for Educators [PDF]
- Nina Ziegenbein, Alexandra Moringen and Jason Friedman. Monitoring the Learning Progress In Piano Playing With Hidden Markov Models [PDF]
- Yunkai Xiao, Qinjin Jia and Jialin Cui. What kind of peer-assessment comments help improve learning outcomes? Evidence from a programming course [PDF]
- Zheng Zhang, Ying Xu, Yanhao Wang, Tongshuang Wu, Bingsheng Yao, Daniel Ritchie, Mo Yu, Dakuo Wang and Toby Jia-Jun Li. Building a storytelling conversational agent through parent-AI collaboration [PDF]
- Zitao Liu TAL Education Group, China
- Jiliang Tang Michigan State University, USA
- Lihan Zhao TAL Education Group, China
- Xiao Zhai TAL Education Group, China